We're ready for Phase 1A! Are you? As Covid-19 vaccines are rolling out across the country, we are prepared for when the vaccine is available to our residents and staff. One question we've seen come up is whether or not the vaccine is safe. Safety is the most important priority in vaccine approval.
Read more about Covid-19 Vaccines and safety information: https://www.radiantseniorliving.com/radiant-blog?article=facts-about-upcoming-covid-19-vaccine-distribution-plans
Community Update: We are continuing with routine testing of residents and staff. We have had 2 additional positive test results for residents since our last update. We have had 1 positive test result for a staff member who will remain off campus until being cleared by CDC guidelines to return to work. We will continue with routine monitoring of residents and notify primary contacts directly if their loved one exhibits symptoms or receives positive test results from this last round of testing.